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Among Our Pages II A Spoof Page 2

existed. However, … ‘If’ and that’s a very big if… ‘If’ it all actually ‘is’ true… then it is something I myself would like to figure out. The myth goes…”

  “It is ‘not’ a myth.” Rie interrupts.

  With a sigh Demechi shrugs, “Come on you guys. Don’t go fighting again. Rie is very religious and Auro is very skeptical, we know this, let bygones be bygones, ok.”

  Rie looks away while Auro sighs and shrugs.

  Shaking zir head, Auro continues zir train of thought from before. “Ok. Sorry. Right. So, the legend goes that there was once a Father who created a daughter whose power was soul and creation, that there was always a void whose power was reducing all to nothing, then the Father left the daughter an angel who married the daughter and they had three children. Two girls, Rysyn and Yudiyu and a boy, Kuragane. The eldest sister, Rysyn wished to get along with her younger siblings, however, Yudiyu hated her for some reason and wanted the Kuragane’s attention all to herself. Kuragane however wanted to be friends with both of them and somehow get the two to get along. The eldest did wish to be friends with her sister, but was not as… we’ll say… tolerant of Yudiyu’s behavior as the Kuragane was. She believed in punishing her when she wouldn’t listen while Kuragane tried to understand why she acted that way and explain to her why it was wrong. It was… interesting, to say the least.” zie shrugs.

  Rie looks back to Auro and nods, “Correct.” Then she looks amongst the others as she continues, “Then, one day, Kuragane just disappears and Yudiyu kills her father and tries to kill Rysyn and Ultima as well. They fight, Ultima punishes her by creating Blood Realm and then sealing her inside alone.”

  “Right, by then, the spirit beasts and humans were already in existence, so Ultima creates Refrodi and all the elements except ice and metal as we know it today, also death came into existence. Then…” Rymi tilts his head looking up as he thinks.

  “All the normal animals are made and humans were put down here.” Demechi finishes for him.

  “Right.” Rymi says with a nod then looks to him saying gratefully, “Thanks.”

  He gives him a kind smile while replying, “No problem.”

  “Then Abyzo is sealed in the void by the Father and Ultima leaves to try and find her lost son.” Auro continues.

  “That was only ‘after’ the Father ‘told’ her to leave the rest in Rysyn’s hands and go look for Kuragane.” Rie corrects zim.

  “Right. Right.” Auro says while waving his comment off.

  “An-an-anyw-waaay…” Yuuki interrupts nervously, drawing everyone’s attentions to him before he looks down nervously, his lavender hair falling around his shoulders.

  “Hmm? What is it Yuuki?” Auro questions him curiously.

  “W-well…” he sighs softly before looking back up at everyone and stating simply, “W-we all wish to kn-kn-know what h-h-happened to Kuragane, s-since it was only ever as-sumed that Bakura W-WAS Kuragane and n-nev-ver actually pr-proven… S-s-so…” he then looks down shyly once again and sighs out nervously. “W-well… We… We could all g-go and i-in-investigate...?” he questions before looking up at everyone while still in a deep blush.

  “Hm? What do you mean Yuuki?” Rymi questions him while straightening his glasses.

  “R-right.” Yuuki replies with a nod as he looks down then explains, “W-well…” he then looks up at everyone as he explains, “D-realm is said to STILL ex-exist… a-a-as well as Syrellia.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Auro encourages while patting Yuuki’s shoulder with a smirk.

  The others look around at one another curiously, all seeming to wonder if this is actually a good idea or not before their attentions finally fall on the one who now speaks.

  “So, are we all in then?” Demechi questions as he looks around at everyone now curiously.

  With a bright, beaming smile a shout of, “Let’s go already.” is heard from Persefome as she excitedly jumps from her chair at the round table of her seven friends before running for the door.

  Lylith shakes her head and sighs, “As excitable as ever.” she says while standing calming before then following after her like a lady.

  Auro chuckles, “It’s more fun that way Lyl. Also… I now wonder what you would look like if you actually had albinism like the Diamond Knight.”

  Lylith shrugs, “Yeah. I wonder why she wrote me that way as well… Well, I suppose I ‘did’ say it would be chichie to look like the Diamond Knight once, that probably did it; but I’ll keep my chocolate skin any day.~” she sings out in a chuckle. “Also, fond of my black hair and green eyes, so…” she shrugs, “Though my eyepatch is FAR from a metal plate on my face.” she pouts cutely.

  “How’d you lose your eye again?” Auro questions as zie looks to her with a smirk.

  She half glares him with her one eye then sighs and looks to the open door Persefome had ran out of before answering, “I told you a hundred times already, Auraurokane.”

  “A hundred and one, please?~” zie begs with puppy eyes.

  She pouts then shakes her head and sighs, “I tripped when I was three and landed on a Spikel Flower. It took out my eye.” she says dully.

  Auro chuckles with a smirk, “Cute little Lyl.” zie says as zie pats her head.

  She half pouts and half glares him while waving his hand off her head with both her hands frantically, “I should have stayed in Lau. Coming to Lyra to join the storytellers’ guild was stupid. I have to put up with YOU now.”

  Auro smirks more, “Be honest with your feelings. You should ask me to marry you now.”

  A dark blush grows across her cheeks as she glares Auro even more before she shouts in protest, “I would rather be killed by the snake vines of Barrum Barrum Forest!” before then turning away from him and stomping off after Persefome.

  Smirking proud of zirself, Auro chuckles and then follows after. One by one, the others shake their heads at these two and then follow after them.

  “They really ‘are’ made for each other.” Rymi chuckles with a smirk.

  Yuuki nods while blushing uncomfortably.

  With a sigh Demechi remarks, “If that is “made for each other” I would hate to see what mortal enemies looks like.”

  Rymi chuckles at this while Aruskiy and Yuuki both smile nervously at the remark and Rie ignores it just quietly following after the others. Then, these five all walk out of the room after the other three.

  Now, one could not disagree that they ‘do’ fight a lot and I’ve only been watching them for about twenty minutes here; though I do tend to watch them quite a bit. Speaking of which, I think I should follow them on this little quest of theirs. After all, I’m the one they’re looking for.~ You may call me Bakura, I prefer that name over the one mother gave me. See you all soon~




  About the Author

  I am a person who does things. I am a wierd person who loves to write and spell wierd incorrectly {save for in stories} and I adore making people smile and laugh. I am grumpy quite a lot, but *shrugs* oh well... I guess. ... Yeah... I am a genderless Asexual who only likes romance in stories, or ones that I myself am not in. So, that is a thing. Nothing really important to say otherwise really. I just love to write stories that hopefully puts smiles on faces and cheers peoples up when they are down. Not really a whole lot to say I guess.

  Other books by this author

  Thank you again and please feel free to visit your favorite ebook retailer to discover other books by Ehko Masks *whispers* when I get them out:

  Nameless Flower

  Among Our Pages Series

  Among our Pages

  Among Our Pages II: A Spoof {this one}

  Mute Point {being worked on hopefully will be done by Valentine’s day as it is a romance story. May be a series if it s
eems to call for more books}

  Connect with Ehko Masks

  Thank you so much again for reading my book my lovelies! Literally CANNOT thank you enough for taking your time to read my works. Have some social links if you like~:

  Please feel free to follow me and ask me questions on YouTube I’ll answer as many as I can and possibly do Q&A videos there if I get enough questions to do so:

  I don’t really do anything in Facebook nor do I Twitter {or even have a Tweet account} yes that’s intentional *smirk* … but if you wish to, you may friend me on Facebook:

  Author’s Note

  Please fight not over my story. It was NOT intended for such a wasteful purpose. This story itself is about acceptance and knowing to show evil its opposite. So please do not argue over my reasons, feelings or lore of this story, it was not meant for that purpose and any who do are no fans of my work nor me. I shall not nor ever consider them my fans either.

  My book is about teaching one to accept other’s